Fan Tan is an easy to play card game, played between 3-8 people.
Related: List with easy to learn card games
The aim of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards.
The set up
Each player is required to place one poker chip in the pot before each deal; this is the game’s Ante. The players then select a dealer by choosing a random card from a shuffled deck, and the player with the lowest card becomes the dealer. In case of a draw, the cards are shuffled again. The dealer then deals out all the cards to the players each at a time.
How to play
The player to the left of the dealer starts the game by placing a 7 at the center of the table, and the game continues clockwise. Players can either play a 7 or build on an existing pile. However, to do this, the card you play must be the same suit as the 7, or have a rank that is above or below the card.
For example, if someone plays the 7 of a suit, the next player can either put a 6 or 8 of the suit. And if one plays an 8 on the 7, the next player can put down the 6 or the 9. If he chooses to place a 6 on the 7, the next player can either put a 5 or 8.
Players must play a card if they can. However, if after the first 7 has been played and the next player does not have a 7 or can’t add to the cards on the table, he/she must add one poker chip to the pot.
The first player to get rid of all their cards wins all the chips in the pot plus one chip per card left in each player’s hand.
If one of the players starts the game with a 7;
- You can play a 7 on another suit, if you have one, by placing it above or below the other 7
- You can build up or down on the 7. If you have an 8 or a 6 in the appropriate suit, you can put it down to the right or left if the 7.
- If you can’t any of the mentioned moves, you have to place a chip in the pot and pass.
- If a player decides to pass while they have the cards to make a move, they must put three chips into the pot. If the player passed while they had a seven, they must pay an additional five chips to the players holding a 6 or an 8 of the same suit,
Strategies for winning
If you have more than one 7, it is advisable not to put down the one in the suit in which you have more cards. However, the 7s will come in handy in the case where you have awkward end-cards such as aces and kings or 2s and queens.
How many can play this game?
3 to 8 people.
How many cards are used?
1 card deck.
How do i win this card game?
By being the first player to get rid of all of the cards in your hand.