Apples to apples

Apples to Apples is a recommendable card game for players over 12 years. Younger kids can play Apples to Apple Junior. The game is designed for 4-10 players with a playing time of approximately 30 minutes.

apples to apples
Apples to apples

Related: List with the best card games ever


Players are required to match red object cards with green descriptive cards, and the player with the strongest pairing wins.  The objective of the game is to win the most rounds. 

How to play

Apples to Apples is an easy to learn and play card game. It is fairly fast, which makes it fun and entertaining. 

Getting Started

Decide on the number of players who are going to be involved
The game can accommodate 4 to 10 players. Having more than 10 players can make the game lengthy and boring.
Shuffle the two decks of cards
You have to shuffle both the red and green cards to make sure that each card drawn is random.
Select the judge for the first round
This will be the person to decides which player has the best match and who wins each round. This position should be handed off to the player on the left after each consecutive round.
Deal seven red cards to each player
The judge, who also act as the dealer, will deal each player seven cards, and this can be replenished with every round.

The rules

The rules are  simple, and they include

  • Red cards– these depict a place, person, thing, or event
  • Green cards-these define the characterization of a place, person, thing, or event
  • Blank cards– these allow players to write on for more personalized gameplay

Playing and winning

Step 1: The judge picks a green card from the top of the stack and calls it out to the group.

Step 2: The players (except the judge) then choose the red apple card that best describes the word on the green card played by the judge.  These cards are played face down beside the green card.

Step 3: The judge then mixes the red apple cards and selects the one he/she thinks best describe the word on the green card. The player whose red card is picked is awarded the green apple card. 

Step 4: The player with the most number of green cards at the end of the game is termed the winner. The number of green cards in order to win can be determined before the game begins. 

Playing tips

  • You can still play a red card that isn’t a perfect fit since the judge will often select the card with the most creative or interesting response.
  • The game allows players to comment on the card and try to convince the judge to pick a particular card.
  • It could also be helpful if you know something about the judge as this will assist you in selecting a red card that they can relate to, which increases the chances of the judge picking your card. 
  • There are no restrictions when it comes to selecting a card, which gives you a lot of leeway when it’s your turn to be the judge. 


What is the goal of the game?

To win the most rounds in total.

How many players can play?

2 to 10 players can play apples to apples.

How long does one round take?

It takes about 30 minutes to play one game of apples to apples.